sexta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2015

2015 Monthly Motif Challenge

E aqui está o desafio "companheiro" do 2015 Monthly Key Word Challenge. Este desafio consiste em ler todos os meses pelo menos um livro que se insira na categoria predefinida para esse mês. Como já foi feito em 2014 sempre que possível vou tentar ler um único livro que se insira neste desafio e no 2015 Monthly Key Word Challenge, de modo a tornar tudo um pouco mais difícil e também de modo a deixar-me tempo para ler outras coisas e entrar noutros desafios. Este desafio foi retirado do Bookmark To Blog. A lista de livros lidos para o desafio vai ser colocada neste poste que vai sendo actualizado ao longo do ano.

JAN- Book to Movie or Audio
Read a book that has a movie based off of it. For an extra challenge, see the movie or listen to the audio book as well.

FEB- Award Winner
Read a book that has won recognition or a literary award. Here's a list of literary awards to help you get started on your search: Literary Awards.

MAR- Genre Jumble
Read a book in a genre that you've never tried or that you're least familiar with. For example, if you typically reach for romance novels, try a mystery this time. Ask your local librarian for great suggestions on the genre your least familiar with.

APR- Mystery, Murder, and Mayhem
Read a murder/mystery book, a book in which someone dies of mysterious causes, or a book in which the truth must come out.

MAY- Library Love
Show your library some love and visit your local branch. Choose a book to read that they have on display.

JUN- Take A Trip
Choose a book to read that takes place in a country different than the one you live in or choose a book written by an author that is from a country different than your own.

JUL- Standing Up
Read a book in which the main character stands up for themselves, stands against an enemy, or stands up for something they believe in.

AUG- Alternate Reality
Read a book that's set in the future, on another planet, in another dimension, or in an unknown world. A Dystopian book will count this month as well.

SEP- Furry Friends
Read a book that includes an animal either as a main character or supporting character. Horses, cats, dogs, insects, bird, etc. The book doesn't have to be about the animal but the animal needs to play some sort of role in the story or be mentioned several times throughout the book.

OCT- Goblins, and Ghost, and Ghouls, Oh My!
Cozy mystery ghost stories, paranormal creeptastic, funky fantasy creatures- it's up to you!

NOV- An Oldie but a Goodie
Pick a book published before 2000 that you've always wanted to read, but just never got to. Or pick a book set in the past (before 2000).

DEC- That's a Wrap
Finish a series you've been meaning to finish or read the next book in a series you started but never finished.

Janeiro - O Grande Gatsby
FevereiroA Segunda Vinda de Cristo à Terra
Março - Saga I 
Abril - O Alvo  
Maio - Um Estranho Lugar Para Morrer
Junho - A Quimera de Praga
Julho - Sonhos de Deuses e Monstros  
Agosto - O Regresso do Assassino
Setembro - Worthy  
Outubro - Anya's Ghost 
Novembro - Entrevista com o Vampiro
Dezembro - Frost Burned 

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